Our mission

To support you in building for the future.

By providing our expertise, skills, knowledge and insight, we unite you to culture and subcultures. We’re the perfect balance between traditional (old school) & digital.. we blend it up.

We work to future-proof brands by focusing on longevity. This includes maintaining and strengthening your position or repositioning where you are in the market.

Just like the late Notorious B.I.G said…

“…The sky is the limit and you know that you
can have what you want, be what you want
Have what you want, be what you want…”

Working with us, it really is.

What we value


We believe in being inclusive and diverse in team and brands. We like working with people, not for them; we are all about creating strong partnerships and working relationships.

We keep it real, we keep it honest

Values & Beliefs

We listen to the ideas of everyone we work and collaborate with. It’s important to have voices heard and help bring a personal touch that makes everyone feel welcome and comfortable.

We believe in quality over quantity.


We respect everyone we work with. It’s important to build trust, seek alternative perspectives and use our collective knowledge, skills and experience. We don’t tolerate rudeness, disrespect towards anyone in our team or being micro-managed. Please respect our skills, knowledge and insight. This builds a great working relationship and earns mutual respect for each other.


We like to build, partner and invest in brands and people we work with. We’re constantly evolving, staying curious and asking questions.

We believe in working fairly, ethically and openly.


We strive for excellence, because service and experience is important to us.

Powerful communication can change everything. We make sure that everything is open, honest and transparent.

We build strong working relationships that promote talking openly with each other.